Coops Cursor 1.03 This is my third attempt for shareware. This will replace your normal boring black cursor with this nice AppleĀ® Icon. This is the 2nd Coops Cursor out there, the other one was a Star Trek cursor. This should be compatible with any Mac, I have tested it on my 6200 Performa, and a couple of my friends tried it out too. If you come across any problems just let me know at Disclaimer: If anything is to happen to your Mac while you are using this...well....too bad....because you cannot blame me. You use this at your own risk. I have not ever had a problem with it, so I am guessing you won't either. This is $3 shareware, I don't think that is too much to ask, I am going to need every little dollar I can get to keep making stuff.........please send the $3 to: Justin Cooper 339 East Main Street, P.O. Box 115 Manly, Iowa 50456 If you like this and want my other shareware stuff I make, just email me and put "SHAREWARE NOTIFY" for the subject and you will be notified when I make somehting new. And if you ask nicely I might even send you my new shareware before anyone else gets a chance to even hear about it, just put "SEND IT TO ME" for the subject And look me up if your ever on IRC, I am either Kryten or Coop on #Hi, #TheGathering, or #Macintosh. Look for future things from me.......this is just the beginning...I hope. I Have Made: Justin's Replacement Icons Coop's Cursor v1.02 (Star Trek Icon) Coop's Cursor v1.03 (AppleĀ® Icon) Coming Soon: Coop's Cursor v1.04 (Big Bird Icon) Coop's Cursor v1.05 (Target, Crosshairs....) Justin J. Cooper Kryten or Coop on IRC